Eagle Creek in Fall Splendor

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Monday, August 18, 2014

What's one to do with a coming mid-life crisis?

The Big 50. Half a century. An AARP card. Crap. I can't be that old. That's other guys. Not me.

Upon closer inspection of the calendar, its true that 50 is coming. But no way I'm not going to do something epic. Well epic in my mind just to prove to myself (and anyone else who might have a mild interest) that old age is for the other guy.

Thankfully it's 18 months from now but I have in mind what I will do for my mid-life crisis. Just run baby. Yeah big news there. But not just any type of run. I figured my fast days are gone so a sub 3 in the marathon is not realistic. Plus for anyone who races those knows you only have one or two good one's per year and anything can derail the shot. I've watched too many of my friends fail an that version of Hamburger Hill. So if fast isn't in, endurance must be the call.

Here in the heartland there is a Midwest Grand Slam of Ultramarathoning which patterns after the Masters, US Open, Open Championship and PGA Championship of Ultramarathoning, the Grand Slam of Ultramarathoning which consists of Western States, Leadville, Vermont and Wasatch. Did you like how I worked golf into this. Cool huh. Well back on point. The Midwest version has 5 trail races throughout the surrounding states so enjoy any four in one year. Oh did I happen to mention the official version is 100 miles for each race.

Now before you call me and suggest therapy or a good psychiatrist, I only plan on running 50 miles at each. No sense going over-board. And since I am not doing the "official" version, I will be improvising the races too. Call me a rebel if you will.

So here is the initial lineup of 2016 races (subject to change due to schedules of course but there will be five):
Indiana Trail 50
Ice Age 50
Mohican Trail 50
Burning River 50
Hallucination 50

I plan to detail my travels on this blog and you can follow along on this really moronic midlife crisis stunt. I won't be on here every day with updates but I plan to share interesting stories about places ran, people met, training plans and who knows what. I hope it worthy of your time.

And hey, its safer than getting a motorcycle, less permanent than a tattoo and less goofy than a membership to Hair Club for Men. 

Type at you soon.

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